Our Process
Much of our work is custom designed, giving you a one-of-a-kind original piece of art.
Due to advances in modern technology, our tools may be more advanced and our materials more consistently manufactured, but the same basic methods are still used as those used more than 900 years ago.
All pieces of glass are hand cut to precisely fit the hand-inked patterns.
Medallions and details are painted by hand and each color is carefully fired in our kilns to ensure permanency. Film is not used as it does not endure over time.
Windows are leaded, soldered and sealed to withstand the elements.
We perform services such as:
- Installations
- Acrylic or poly-carbonate covers for windows
- Repairs and restorations
All stained glass inserts in doors, windows, etc. are air tight.
We provide a full line of quality doors, or you may supply your own.
We offer a full line of tools and supplies.
Cost is based on the size of the opening and the number of pieces in the design. Please contact us for an estimate.